The mindful mama

Recently I finished reading Tich Nhat Hanh’s “The Miracle of Mindfulness” for a class about spiritual activism. I thought about mindfulness in ways in which I haven’t considered. For example when you are washing the dishes what are you thinking about? Perhaps your thinking about the 6 loads of laundry, or the screaming tantrum you can feel coming, or perhaps your pregnant and taking the time to let your mind wander on every little “what if?”. In this book Hanh gives the example of washing the dishes, and how when washing the dishes “one should be completely aware of the fact that one is washing the dishes.” This example streamlines mindfulness into a simple task, focusing on the moment right in front of you..This connects to thoughts and emotions as well. Often as women and mothers we will compartmentalize thoughts and emotions to be dealt with at a more convinent time. Hanh discusses how we need to acknowledge thoughts and emotions as they come. You don’t have to process it or try to forget about it you just have to acknowledge it’s presence.

But how can I be mindful I have 20 million things on my mind at all times???

I get it truly. Being a mama is perhaps the most difficult job on this planet. There are many ways to practice mindfulness. Here I will list 5 ways for you to be a mindful mama!

  1. Do just 1 thing at a time.

    I Know you often want to multitask in order to be more efficent, but imagine if you just focused in on what you were doing. What if instead of eating and catching up on facebook, you just focused on the meal in front of you. You could enjoy every bite of your meal focusing on the flavors, textures, smells and just the amazing meal you or your partner just made. ( even if it’s just a frozen pizza ). Take the time to just focus on the moment happening in

  2. Turn the mundane into mindful.

    Use boring chores to be mindful, folding laundry, the dishes, cooking, taking the dog out, pumping, feeding, and so many more little moments where you can take the time to be mindful. If you focus in on these mundane tasks you will complete them more thouroughly and will feel more accomplished in your daily tasks.

  3. Journal.

    At the end of each day take time to acknowlege thoughts, feelings, ideas, moods, and observations. This practice allows us to reflect on thr day and take the time to recognize the thoughts and emotions you encountered today. Being a mama is exhausting and full of many, many moods to say the least so you need to take the time to acknowlege each thought. This also gives you the chance to record memories in a way that isn’t attached to the distraction of social media. Take them time to be honest with yourself while journaling, this is your space to let it out, don’t hold back.

  4. Get connected, when you’re feeling unplugged.

    When you feel as if your mind is wandering, and the kids, your husband, or your workload are driving you crazy just take a moment to pause. Slow down and focus on your five senses. What can you see, smell, touch, hear, and taste? Then focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale think about your chest rising and falling, your stomach extending and relaxing. Soon enough you should feel calm and ready to approach another task, tantrum, load of laundry, or set of dishes ahead of you. If you need guided breathing exercises there are plenty online. A simple one is the box breath, inhale for 5 seconds….hold for 5 seconds…then exhale for 5 seconds…. and repeat.

  5. Pick one activity in your morning routine in which you alone can practice mindfulness.

    For me each morning I usually make my bed, and go through my skincare routine. In these moments I focus on my bed and my skin thats it. It is an amazing way to begin my morning. I complete one whole task without anxiety or busy mind. It allows me to begin my day in an attempt to be mindful.

If you’re still finding it difficult to be mindful there are plenty of apps, and youtube videos you can watch. Some great apps are mindful mama, headspace, Balance, reflectly, and Lumosity Mind.

I hope you find peace and mindfulness in your day.




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