Becoming baby ready..

This phrase alone can be anxiety inducing for you but I hope I can ease your mind with some helpful tips about how you can prepare your mind, body, and home for your baby.

Organization. This is the big one for you to be baby ready. Spaces you should key in on organizing include the nursery, your kitchen, all your baby care products, your postpartum products and your pump/ feeding tools. Often we call the act of organizing and preparing for your new addition as “nesting”. But instead I like to view this as preparing for the expected portions of your new baby because everything else is completely unexpected!

I suggest creating a baby cart. Get a simple three tier cart like this one from walmart 3-Tier Utility Rolling Cart - Turquoise - - Stock the top shelf with things you will need on the ready at all times. Burp cloths, nipple sheilds/creams, binkies, wipes, a few diapers, a water bottle and some pain relief tools. Stock the middle with your feeding supplies like your pump, bottles, formula, or whatver else you use during feeding. On the final tier you can include random supplies like some extra blankets, swaddles, maybe a few snacks, and a heating pad. This will allow you to have what your baby needs right beside you no matter what room you are in. I suggest creating a mama basket in your bathroom as well. In here you should keep maxi pads, postpartum underwear, tucks cooling pads, a frida peri bottle, and some cooling spray or foam.

Take time for you. Sounds obvious right but we often will look past our own needs, consider that these are some of the last moments you can truly be by yourself or with your partner. You should have a date night or if you can afford fot it go on a babymoon with your partner. This allows you to spend time with your partner in an enviorment that isn’t completely baby centered. Then take some time for you. Spend the day getting pampered or doing what you love most. You can craft the day away, shop, eat, read, anything honestly this is your day. Soon people will flood your inbox or home if allowed so take some time for yourself.

Stretch, breathe, and focus. Take some time to stretch your body and practice birthing positions, and breathing techniques you can use in labor. Take this time to focus on some affirmations that empower you. Remember that you have been creating life and you are so incredibly powerful.

Prep your go bag. Only about 3%-5% of babies are actually born on their due dates meaning that your baby can come at any time. So keep your hospital bag ready to go. Pack the essentials a charger, toiletries, shower shoes, essential oils, massage oils, your birth affirmations and anything you need or want for the postpartum routine too. Remember to remind your partner to pack a bag too and fill it with snacks toiletries and a change of clothes. Labor can last awhile and you shouldn’t have to worry about if your partner has everything make sure that they are aware they are responsible for their own go bag to avoid unnecessary stress. If you have a doula ask them what they bring to labor so that you can downsize your bag or add items that you feel are necessary. Scrambling around to pack a bag during early labor can add extra anxiety to your labor, so leave that anxiety out by preping your bag beforehand,.

If you have a doula discuss your postpartum needs. Maybe you need someone to cook meals for you, or hold your baby while you just take shower, or a short nap. Never feel weak or less than a mom for asking for help. Motherhood is exhausting and stressful and you should not have to feel overwhelmed by baby.

Check out my etsy to see my baby prep checklist!

As always

with peace and love,

Rachel :)


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