Questions to consider when presented with a procedure/ test.

Throughout pregnancy and birth you will likely make a bunch of choices (which you should feel informed and confident about). During conversations with your care providers, you should be asking these questions in order to come to the best choice.

  1. Is this an emergency or do we have time to talk?

  2. What are the benefits and risks of this procedure?

  3. What other procedures may I need as a result of this one?

  4. What else could we try before this?

  5. What would happen if we waited?

  6. What would happen if we didn’t do anything?

Theres tons of information out on the internet and from word of mouth but make sure you’re listening to trustworthy, reliable sources when learning about the different options. If you can’t remember these questions always think about using your BRAIN!

Risks and Reality
Now or Never

I’ll be making a post soon with some great research sources for you!


How to be your own birth advocate.