How to be your own birth advocate.

The most important lesson for any mom to be is to be your own advocate. Always make your voice heard and be confident in the room. It is your birth plan, make sure everyone understands. If presented with a possible medical intervention always ask what are the risks, what are my alternatives, and what would happen if you didn’t do it. Here are my top 5 tips! One, create a birth plan and make sure your care providers understand it. Two, be alert to everything sometimes care providers will assume you want the “routine” procedures. Three, communicate all your needs, wants, and fears. Four, be informed about all the possible interventions. Five, be confident. You were made to have this baby and you have the strength, and you and your body are ready for this baby.

Being an informed, educated mother will ensure you make the best decision possible for your own, and the baby’s needs/ wants. Do your research mama!



Where should you give birth?


Questions to consider when presented with a procedure/ test.