Is it really labor? The great contraction ballet and how to differentiate.

As you approach the full term benchmark of your pregnancy you will likely experience many symptoms and moments where you may think is it happening? Is this really labor? The most popular issue in differentiating is when it comes to contractions. In Braxton hicks and labor contractions you experience a tightening of the lower abdomen, groin, and pelvis followed by a relaxation. I compare this to ballet because they build up and then release all at the same time, on and off, for what can feel like ages comparable to a ballet performance. What’s the difference between the two, how are you supposed to know when it’s actually happening or not?

Braxton hicks

These “contractions”, sometimes referred to as false labor will occur throughout the second and third trimesters. These contractions are usually an uncomfortable tightening sensation but aren’t as painful as actual labor contractions. Also, Braxton hicks will generally stay at the same level of unease and may even go away after you change positions or hydrate. They vary in time length and can last anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes! If you feel an uncomfortable tightening sensation try moving around or hydrating, if these contractions do not go away and become painful pay close attention and call your provider if you're confused about what’s truly happening.

True labor contractions

True labor contractions are painful and radiate from your lower back through the pelvis and lower abdomen. These tightening sensations will be painful rather than uncomfortable. If they become more intense and last longer you are on the steps to labor. The 4-1-1 or 5-1-1 rules are good to keep in mind when considering if it’s go time or not. These rules are if your contractions are 4 or 5 minutes apart, and last one minute for at least an hour then it is time to go to the hospital, birth center. or settle in for your homebirth. A reminder that sometimes contractions will skip over the five minutes apart phase and become closer much much faster. These contractions will build in strength as time passes, as you get closer to the 5-1-1 point they may become intensely painful. With these, it is important to focus on your chosen pain relief method. If you have a doula I recommend calling them before you head to the hospital or call your ob-gyn so they can help you to understand your contractions.

Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate and understand when your labor is truly beginning. Once your water breaks, then you’ll truly realize you’re in labor. Always remember that your body was made to give birth, and you carry all the capabilities in order to have your baby just the way you want to.

Remember to consult your provider with any questions or concerns in regard to labor.


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